Okay, it's about time I got this out.
seats are still available for the Tobacco Bowl v1.1
tournament, to be held this Saturday at Duke University. For
those who were waiting for me to announce some, y'know,
particulars, here they are.
The tournament will begin
with Registration at 8AM. Rules meeting will occur at
8:40. Play will begin at 9AM. We will do anywhere from
a single to a single-and-a-half to a double RR,
depending on attendance. A final will follow, if necessary,
and will be at worst best-of-three. If no final is
necessary, an all-star game will happen
Directions are at
<a href=http://www.duke.edu/directions/Dirwest.html target=new>http://www.duke.edu/directions/Dirwest.html</a> for your convenience.
And if you're
coming, PLEASE bring buzzers! We are having trouble
getting other teams to commit to bringing
Andy Goss
Duke Academic Team