It occurs to me that I ought to post the QOTC announcement here as well. Yes, I know there was significant delay, but I've only recently started looking at this club. Anyway . . . Swarthmore College Bowl is pleased to formally announce Questions on the Crum (QOTC) X, our annual untimed mACF tournament. We will hold this year's QOTC on March 3, 2001. Rounds will consist of 20 tossups and boni. We will require that every team submit a packet. Guidelines for packets are listed below and will be available on our web site. We expect to limit the field to 22 teams, so, beginning immediately, we will reserve slots for teams who plan to compete. After 22 teams reserve slots, we will place additional teams on a waiting list. To reserve slots for QOTC X, contact Peter Austin at <paustin_at_...> FEES: The base fee for QOTC X is $100/team. This fee includes a donut breakfast and a pizza lunch. The minimum fee is $50. Specific penalties and discounts are -$30 for packets submitted by February 1 -$10 for packets submitted by February 18 +$20 for packets submitted after February 25 +$35 if you don't submit a packet (and we decide to let you play anyway) -$10 for every game official you bring -$5 for every working buzzer you bring +$8 for every additional pizza you want (remember the base fee includes on free one per team) Please note: We will have a $40 fee for any team that signs up, but does not show, and has not written me _at least_ 24 hours beforehand to cancel. Yes, we can't enforce this, but we will trust you to pay us this fee if need be. Exceptions will be granted only in case of car accidents or similar disasters. Pay by cash or make all checks out to Rebecca Paul. Unless your team cannot write checks to individuals and you tell us this _in advance_, we will not accept checks made out to any other party. We may offer a long-distance discount. If you want to come but live far away and don't think you can afford the tournament costs, contact us, and we'll try to work something out . . . PACKET GUIDELINES: History: 4 (Tossups and boni) Literature: 4 Science: 4 The Arts: 3 Religion/Mythology/Philosophy: 3 Geography: 2 Current Events: 2 Pop Culture/Sports/General Knowledge: 2 Social Science: 2 Total: 26 Tossups and boni Organize your questions by category and remember to _underscore_ essential information in your answers. Some big no-no's: 1) FAQTP tossups 2) Spelling tossups or boni 3) One part all-or-nothing boni 4) Boni worth more or less than 30 points 5) Multiple choice or ordering or binary boni 6) Boni that require more than four team consultations Finally, we reserve the right to reject packets that: 1) Ignore our guidelines 2) Have been read or written by members of more than one team 3) Are of extraordinarily low quality Please send all packets to Benjamin Schak at <benjamin_at_...> That's it for now. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thanks for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you. Peter Austin
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