To all College Bowlers, Princeton University College Bowl is proud to announce the return of Buzzerfest: _PUBfest Resurrection, Episode IV: A New Hope._ PUBfest IV will be held Saturday, April 21, 2001. The format will be modified ACF and the field will be limited to sixteen teams. Additional teams will be put on a waiting list. The day will be a full round-robin with a single round playoff if there is a tie. The fee structure is as follows: Base fee: $100 Additional Teams: $80 Discounts: Working buzzer system: -$10 Competent moderator: -$20 Packet submitted by: March 5 -$30 March 12 -$20 March 19 -$10 March 26 -$0 April 2 + $10 April 11 + $20 **Important note: Schools that registered teams for last year's aborted Buzzerfest will be entitled to a discount of fifty percent off their total, not including penalties for packets submitted after March 26.** Packet Distribution: **Every team is required to submit a packet.** (Tossup/Bonus) Subject Area: 4/4 History 4/4 Science 4/4 Literature 2/2 Current Events 2/2 Social Science 2/2 Geography 3/3 Religion/Myth/Philosophy 2/2 Fine Arts 2/2 Pop Culture Total: 25/25 Notes on packet writing: 1) Please vary your questions within the distribution areas. Don't write all of your history tossups about seventh-century Britain even if you would enjoy playing such a theme packet. 2) No spelling questions or FAQTP tossups. 3) All bonuses will be worth 30 points. Single-part bonuses will not be accepted. Very long multipart bonus questions (i.e., six paragraph-length prompts) will be summarily shortened. No more than one 30-20-10 per category. Please keep ordering bonuses and "bovine, Russian aircraft manufacturer, both, or neither" bonuses to an absolute minimum. To register or for questions regarding logistics (ie. travel to Princeton), please contact bjslote_at_.... For questions regarding packet submission, tournament rules, or for information on Zulu ceremonial customs and North American birds, please contact jthoppes_at_.... If you're not comfortable with labeling your question within any one category because you find that labels unfairly force questions to fit a stereotype or mold that may not actually be appropriate or may even hinder the question from reaching its full potential as a question, please contact cbowl_at_.... See you in April! Jeff Hoppes, Prez Barbara Slote, Vice-Prez Princeton University College Bowl PUBfest Resurrection, Episode IV: A New Hope
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