... so you're in Stats99, you've used the macros
to add the right # of rows for players, teams, and
games to be played. (You can delete rows the normal way
w/o hurting anything, it's the add that has to be
macro'd, but you can add rows any point.)
on the Team Stats page you filled in the Team
(abbreviation) and Full Name cols; on the Individual Stats page
you put in Player, Team, and then tossup scores by
round in the wacky format (e.g. "2003.01"). On the game
scores page you put the teams (the abbreviations) and
their game scores in those first four columns, plus
(optional) room/round/reader and (optional in the program
but mandatory if you're running an NAQT event)
tossups heard.
THAT'S IT for the user-data-entry
columns. The rest are calculated automatically, including
everything from team standings to bonus
Macros let you sort the individual stats by PPG
(descending order) or by team (after you sort by PPG to print
out a page, you want to sort by team again so that
teamamtes are together again for easy data entry); sort the
team stats by standing or "points per tossup
I *believe* that the print macros also still work
but the computer I'm typing this from lacks a working