I would like to thank a variety of people who
helped make this tournament possible:
First our
moderators, who I believe to be the best crew that we've ever
had for any college tournament at WSU, and who
averaged 22.7 tossups read per game: Eric Bell, Brian
Hight, Ben Lea, Lori Wegner, John Roushkolb, Vic
D'Amico, Henry Herron, Delano Barnes, and Jeremy White.
Secondly, scorekeepers, whose service allowed us to field a
D2 team: Jeremy Hicks, Arthur Marshall, Tejas
Mazmudar, Susan Edmonds, Rick Moberly, C.J. Martinez, Wendy
Donaldson, Harold Hicks, and Heather from Ft. Scott (sorry
that I never learned your last name).
Lisa Edmonds for coordinating the trash tournament
following the tournament; Bethany Scoggin for handling
registration, and C.J. Martinez, whose P.R. work led to the
presence of a local television crew at the tournament
(though I don't know that anything made the
Apologies if I have overlooked anyone.
All of these
people helped make this, my final tournament as WSUAQT
Tournaments Dictator, the easiest as well.
Vice President and Ex-Tournaments Dictator
Academic Quiz Team