Maybe it's a little late for this proposal off
the bat, but if we want to extend such invitations to
the CBI-only circuit, we should move to back it up
pretty quickly.
I think Cornell had the right
idea with their recent tournament, if not the right
timing. Rather, I think it might be the better strategy,
if one somewhat harder to pull off, to let the
non-circuit teams be stompled at regionals and then begin the
sales pitch -- that is to say, explain to them that why
the circuit teams are so good is because we go to
10-15 tournaments a year, instead of just one or
Ideally, by this point we'd have ready several
central-source tournaments of about NAQT Jr. Bird difficulty,
which we could offer cheaply. Unfortunately, I don't
think the time for that exists right now.
something I think we should all do, those of us going to
CBI regionals, is network, network, network. Make a
point of getting contact information for every team you
run across. Eventually, an invitatation to an
invitational will stick.