I know when we were planning for the Sectionals
at UWO, we just copied other people's tournament
announcements :) Everyone else seems to charge about $100, with
discounts, so we just did that too.
Plus, as far as
I am aware, we get no funding at all, other than
membership fees (which were $10 this year, and we only have
24 members, most of whom have never come to a
meeting anyway) and tournament fees. I wasn't around when
the club was founded, so maybe we got some money from
the university for that, but we don't get any now
that we are an official club.
We use that
money to pay for tournaments and all the things
involved in getting to one (car, gas, hotels, tournament
Anyway, I find it very interesting
whenever I see "funding" mentioned here. I don't think we
can get any specific funding from the university at
all. I could check on that but as I said, as far as I
know, we can't. And, actually, $100 for a tournament
fee doesn't even really cover everything we would
like to have covered. But in any case, it's nice to
get an extra $50 or so when American money is
converted to Canadian :)
Adam Bishop