The next packet deadline is Saturday, February 17
at 11:59:59 PM. Please remember to follow the ACF
formatting and question writing guidelines when assembling
your packet.
I've received some questions about
how qualification for Nationals is going to work.
There's no FIFA World Cup nonsense: basically, the deal
is, if you would like to play at ACF Nationals, then
let me know as soon as possible. It is not even
necessary to have attended ACF Regionals, although I will
take standings into consideration if more teams want
to register than we have space for. I would
especially like to encourage teams that have never been to
ACF Nationals before to attend (note that there is a
significant discount for new teams).
A few people have
also asked about writing free-lance packets. That's
cool, get in touch with me and let me know if you'd
like to do this.
The following schools have
already registered:
UTC 1 team
Michigan 2?
Carleton 1
UT-Austin 1
Kentucky 1
St. Thomas 1
Oklahoma 1
If you
have already contacted me and you're not on this list,
please let me know.