National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC is pleased to announce invitations to the Division II field for its fifth Intercollegiate Championship Tournament to be held the weekend of April 6-7, 2001 at Washington University in St. Louis: Boston University Brandeis University Carleton College Emory University Georgetown University The Johns Hopkins University New York University Northwestern University Occidental College Princeton University Simon Fraser University Stanford University University of California-Berkeley University of Chicago University of Florida University of Illinois University of Maryland University of Michigan University of Missouri-Rolla University of Oklahoma University of Pittsburgh University of Southern California University of the South Yale University Teams must contact NAQT (send response to ict_at_...) by 11:59:59 p.m. Monday, February 26, 2001 in order to accept their invitations or request a short extension of time to give a definite answer. Invitations not accepted by that deadline will be automatically turns over to teams at the top of the waitlist unless NAQT has given an explicit extension. Teams knowing before that date that they will be declining their invitation are requested to inform us of that decision as soon as possible out of consideration for waitlisted teams. NAQT will shortly provide more information about the fees, schedule, format, and travel discount information for this year's ICT. Divisions I and II will play on separate (overlapping in part) question sets at the Intercollegiate Championship Tournament, with the Division II questions intended to have a difficulty level similar to that of the single sectional championship set. (The Division I set will be considerably more difficult.) All other Division II teams that competed in an NAQT Sectional Championship Tournament, or that were Division II champions at a qualifying NAQT Intercollegiate Fall Tournament, are automatically positioned on a waitlist to fill vacancies in the 24-team Division II ICT field. Based on our performance criteria, the top ten teams on the waitlist at this time are, in order: 1. Yeshiva University, 2. University of Wisconsin, 3. California Institute of Technology, 4. Duke University, 5. Dartmouth College A, 6. University of North Carolina, 7. University of Waterloo, 8. Dartmouth College B., 9. University of South Carolina, 10. The Ohio State University. Waitlisted teams will be contacted promptly if and when spots in the field open up due to any teams declining invitations to attend the ICT in St. Louis. In the past, the process of contacting waitlisted teams and waiting for their answer before moving on to the next team on the list has been very time consuming, and as time passes fewer teams are able to make travel arrangements that allow them to accept late invitations. Therefore, it would be helpful if teams in the top ten spots on the waitlist consider now whether or not they would accept an invitation should one be forthcoming, and, if the answer will surely be "no" please tell us so ahead of time so that we can more quickly offer spots to other teams if and when they become available. Thank you!
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