<<If NAQT must insist on using IFT results
in its calculating procedure, teams should NOT be
allowed to change regions between IFTs and SCTs. Notice
that in the mid-Atlantic region, certain teams
journeyed to the weaker Northeast for the IFT and
backdoored their way in to nationals, despite finishing in
the middle of the pack at the Mid-Atlantic SCT. In
addition, I would urge NAQT to consider strength of region
and head-to-head victories for future at-large
invitations. Statistics as one of the few comparative methods
across regions, but stats should NOT be used to accept
lesser-placed teams in the same region. You lose, you go home -
it's that simple.>>
Shaun: Neither Penn
nor Princeton B earned our spots ahead of UMCP based
on IFT performance. Having finished third, Penn
could not earn a bid from IFTs in that manner.
Princeton B couldn't, either: Eric H. pointed out that IFTs
could NOT be used to earn a second
Translation: we earned our spots on *SCT performance alone.*
NAQT finds an 8-5, 294 PPG record more impressive than
a 9-4, 238 PPG record in the same region. De
gustibus non est disputandum.