- Now the big one: The playoff system, as presented, is inherently unfair. There's no two ways about it. Consider that the field is divided into Gold and Silver, with Gold by definition and by intent containing the six strongest teams (by the first round-robin) in the tournament and Silver the six weakest. The assumption has, therefore, already been made that the weakest part of the Gold field is stronger than the strongest part of the Silver field (although in practice it's probably a coin toss between the weakest record in Gold and the strongest in Silver, #4 in Gold is almost certainly stronger than #1 in Silver). The playoff system, as used, thereby automatically excludes at least two, possibly three, stronger teams from the playoffs in exchange for one which is almost certainly weaker. Furthermore, consider the following situation: a team with a 3-2 record from the Gold bracket may not make the playoffs, while a team with a 3-2 record from the Silver may (this happened). That is to say, a team with an equal record in Gold against a stronger field is excluded from the playoffs in favor of a team with an equal record in Silver against a certainly weaker field. On those grounds, I think it very likely that Susquehanna did not receive a playoff spot that it probably deserved. Finally, consider that if a team wins no games in Red/Blue, it automatically moves to the Silver bracket. It needs to win a minimum of three games in Silver to advance to the playoffs (3-way tie at 3-2, wins by differential). The above actually happened. Now consider that a team sure of its strength against all but three opponents could deliberately sink its Red/Blue games, move to the Silver bracket and even there possibly take two inadvertent losses, and thereby receive a playoff bid, which it might not have received if it had performed to its best ability in the Gold bracket. I'm not accusing anyone of doing this -- as far as I know, all the teams performed honorably -- but the possibility existed, was clear, and might have been exploited; such things have been known to happen. It should also be pointed out that the above playoff system, inherently flawed as it is, was not the one given originally on the schedule; but for the intervention of an experienced member of the staff, the playoff system as originally stated would have taken only the top two in Gold instead of the top three, and taken the top two in Silver, effectively the 7th and 8th teams in strength, instead. I'm not presenting this out of anger, although perhaps I am with a hint of chagrin. The players and staff who participate in College Bowl, who take their time out to drive to central Pennsylvania, to compete in good faith and in friendship, in my opinion deserve better than the system we were given. I present the above as a demonstration of what has happened once and can happen again, and I hope that anyone reading will encourage their own regional coordinators to do better. Edmund Schluessel GW Academic Competition Club
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