The other person is right. This region tends to
see a lot of teams come and go after a couple of
years. For example, this year, usual region 14 stalwarts
like Linfield, Montana, Whitman, Puget Sound and
us(although we were at NAQT) did not show up for the CBI in
Pullman. Plus there are very few people from the region in
this club. Region 14 also has not been one of the
dominant regions in College Bowl, although it has gotten a
lot better in the last few years. Just out of
curiousity who else was there besides UW, Alaska-Fairbanks,
Idaho, Whitworth, and PCC?? I was surprised to see the
top 4 results that came out of there (especially
Whitworth). Congrats to the UW for its title and good luck to
PCC on High Five.
Sean Cole
UO Quiz Bowl