I know this is a bit off-topic, but today (as of
7 PM EST) three separate tragedies occurred in the
sports world:
(1) Hall of Fame baseball player Ed
Mathews lost a battle with heart disease and pneumonia.
He was 69.
(2) Mateen Cleaves' brother was
killed in a drive-by shooting. While the brother was not
a sports figure himself, it was still a horrible
way to die, and he was only 27.
(3) At the
Daytona 500, Dale Earnhardt Sr. (age 49) was killed in a
crash in the final lap. He did not die immediately, but
he literally had to be "cut out" of his car and died
a couple hours later.
It may be morbid to
make comparisons, and the incidents were separate, but
is this "The Day the Sports Died"? If not, it is
still a horrible day in the sports world, and it brings
me closer to believing that if any sport should be
banned, it should be auto racing.