Dr. Chuck wrote: "I think that the usual standard we used up here was the recommended standard but wasn't codified. In short: a) Head-to-head W-L b) Point differential in matches in which the tied teams are involved c) Points scored in matches in which the tied teams are involved d) Points per game throughout the tournament" Head-to-head is fine. The other three factors, however, are to varying degrees influenced by moderator quality, which is a factor that shouldn't be involved in a tie-breaking procedure. In timed rounds like College Bowl, the speed with which different moderators read questions effects the scoring opportunities in a match. Points per game, points scored, and, to a lesser but still significant extent, point differential will be effected by how fast the moderator reads, and how many questions he gets to. Here were the tie-breakers in Region 6: 1) Head-to-head 2) Points per toss-up heard This is the net total points divided by the total number of toss-ups the team heard. Variable moderator speed is eliminated as a concern (not totally, but it's so small that it's consumed by other factors). 3) Toss-up points per toss-up heard. 4) Bonus points per bonus heard. (In the future I'm going to try to make this one just bonus conversion percentage, but there are some scorekeeper training issues that make this easier to calculate after the tournament than while the tournament is in progress.) 5) Fewest total interrupt penalties. In ranking the teams (to be posted with the other stats in a day or so) I never had to go beyond the second tie-breaker. Tom Michael ACU-I Region 6 College Bowl Coordinator and 2001 RCT Tournament Director
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