R. wrote:
"* Order-of-finish and win-loss
records must be reported to NAQT within 24 hours.
Complete team stats (institution, team name, division,
win-loss, tossups heard, tossups, power tossups, and
interrupts) must be reported within 72 hours. Complete
individual stats (full name, team, ***year in school,
major,*** games played, tossups heard, power tossups,
tossups, interrupts) must be reported within 7 days.
Hosts' automatic bids are forfeit if stats are not
submitted in a timely manner." [Emphasis mine.]
does NAQT care about year in school and major? I could
logically see the argument that NAQT needs to know if
someone is a graduate student or an an undergraduate
student for the purposes of D1 or D2 eligiblity, beyond
that, what difference does the actual year make? Some
schools have no provisions for anything beyond the
"fourth year," so some students linger on in a
weird-limbo of being neither a senior nor a college grad. As
far as their school is concerned, however, they're
still seniors.
Moreover, I see no reason
whatsoever why NAQT should care if a player is a nuclear
engineering major, a music major, or a "Random Studies"
major. So, could someone (from NAQT, preferably) explain
why year in school and major are required components
of "complete individual statistics?"