R. wrote:
"The schedule and other logistical
details will be posted here and sent to the qb mailing
list tomorrow [Tuesday] evening."
I never saw
it announced here but
<a href=http://www.naqt.com/ict/2001/2001-ict-information.html target=new>http://www.naqt.com/ict/2001/2001-ict-information.html</a> does indeed give a full schedule and probably has
since that evening.
For your travel planning
Registration is scheduled from 17:00 to 18:00 Friday, April 6;
awards and announcements to be concluded by 17:00
Saturday, April 7.
As always, questions or comments
welcome at ict_at_...
NAQT member,
occasional posting proxy for the NAQT webmaster