<<There is no stated rule that moderators
*must* stand, but many prefer to do so---and in many
cases rooms are set up so that a moderator has to stand
in order to get a clear view of the players. In
cramped quarters, use of a lectern avoids any possibility
that players may be able to gain sight of questions
during a match.
In addition, I think any vocal
coach will tell you that in order to make best use of
your voice, standing is necessary . . . and moderating
is nothing if not a vocal
Actually, I've found that I prefer to stand, at least when
there's enough distance between me and the teams to make
that practical. [For example, at PB10 and BHSAT10, I
was frequently moderating in rooms small enough that
I would literally be looming over the
contestants--not something I enjoy doing. :) ]
But I do
agree that voices project better standing than