Mr. Beall--you seemed to be making progress after the last time you were caught stealing. What's to explain this relapse into miscreancy? BTW, to those still not convinced that this is a problem--teams are charged $150/each to participate in QuizNet. Questions Unlimited is making money off of the work of others. And, of course, any teams who know of the Archive have an unfair advantage over teams who (paid $150 and) do not. The documentation for the latest: >From BYU's packet for their 1994 tournament ( <a href= target=new></a> ): >>4. It was shown by Robert Koch in 1876 to be caused by a rod-shaped bacterium; Pasteur produced a vaccine for it in 1881. What disease, both the first to be conclusively shown to be caused by a microorganism and the first to be prevented by a vaccine, is fatal within 24 hours of the first symptoms in cattle, sheep, and horses, and which later lent its name to a rock group?<< From this week's QuizNet results ( <a href= target=new></a>) : >>"It was shown by Robert Koch in 1876 to be caused by a rod-shaped bacterium; Pasteur produced a vaccine for it in 1881. What disease, both the first to be conclusively shown to be caused by a microorganism and the first to be prevented by a vaccine, is fatal within 24 hours of the first symptoms in cattle, sheep, and horses?" << --M.W.
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