The fifth annual Beltway Bandits trash tournament
was held today at the George Wahsington University.
3000 Gerbils to Graceland went 11-0 in the round robin
to capture the title. Homer's Donuts and The Rutles
finished 2nd and 3rd, respectively; Erik Nielsen won the
scoring title. Many thanks to all those who helped us out
today; thanks also to Edmund Schluessel and Tim Young
for putting together Heavy Rotation 2: More Cowbell,
held during the tournament. James Dinan won the Heavy
Rotation competition and a $25 gift certificate to Tower
Records; Allison Holmes finished a close second.
results are now available
<a href= target=new></a>
Also: some cash was found after the
tournament in the meeting room. If you lost any money,
e-mail trivia_at_... with the amount. Sorry, no hints.
-Jon Needle