bristlesage <Nancy> wrote, "We're sitting here pondering: is there another movie with a plot similar to that of "The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes"? The plot of that fine piece of cinema is basically that a kid (college bowl player) downloads an entire computer encyclopedia into his head, but with an error in the facts which he has downloaded--an error that costs him the "big game". IIRC, that's not the plot (at least, not the ending) of either the Kurt Russell version (with Pat Harrington of the Steve Allen era "Tonight Show" and Schneider the super on "One Day At A Time" as the host of the "College Knowledge Bowl"), or the Kirk Cameron version (containing the immortal quote about toss-up strategy, "let's buzz in like maniacs and hope that [the answer's] there"). There's no factual error in the program, the human computer just runs out of juice; and as to who wins, well, that would be spoiling. :) Perhaps the deja vu stems from the fact that both the original and its remake show up occasionally on the Disney Channel. Other shows that include quiz competition include (but certainly are not limited to) Murphy Brown, The Brady Bunch, the afrementioned Head of the Class (it's a shame Welcome Back Kotter never tried using it as a plot device), and the episode of The Young Ones entitled "Bambi." College Bowl itself is referenced in (again, at least) The Odd Couple, the movie Diner, a Robert Klein routine, and a rant from the early years of the Dennis Miller Show. Tom
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