This post is about a disturbing trend I have
noticed in the past few years in quiz bowl questions: the
recurring theme of cartoons. I can understand using a few
of them in "trash" or "fun" tournaments, but at
serious academic tournaments, the presence of questions
and worksheets pertaining to cartoons has begun to
create an acrid stench over the academic nature that
quiz bowl is supposed to be. I am therefore requesting
that everyone who reads this and agrees refrain from
using excessive cartoon questions (as in more than once
or twice a tournament just to through in something a
little out of right field) in any tournament they may be
hosting and to request that any tournament they may be
attending either warn about the presence of cartoons or to
remove them altogether. Quiz bowl is supposed to be an
area where people can show what they know about
academic fields, not what they've seen on Cartoon
Stephen Webb