I'd say that, by and large, the more hands-on and
technical a major, the less helpful it's gonna be. Also, by
and large, the less useful a major is in the "real"
world, the more helpful it is to qb.
For example, my
first major was piano performance. Very hands-on, very
"technical" in the larger sense of the word. Next to useless
for qb. Engineering's another one: extremely useful,
extremely practical, very hands on. Minimally useful to qb,
and even then, mostly because of ancillary classes.
Business, especially the *most* pragmatic types like risk
management or accounting, are probably mostly
Conversely, the majors which are probably the *least* helpful
towards such things as getting a job or paying rent are
probably among the most helpful one could possibly have
for qb: philosophy, history, English, art history,
and (my current two) comparative literature and
linguistics. Not that they help me much in qb, but if I
weren't basically a lazy human being, I suspect they
would :).
I wonder if there's some kind of inverse
correlation between PPG and median income of various majors?
Anyone care to surmise on that?