Let's get the basics out before you head into the City that Never Sleeps but is really crabby in the morning, Ann Arbor. Date: March 23-24, 2001 (Friday night starts at 7:00 pm, and we'll even make sure you get NCAA score updates all weekend long.) We'll be playing four games on Friday night. Place: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (recently voted most likely place not named Chattanooga to hold a tournament) Directions to Ann Arbor: <a href=http://www.mikeburger.com/mlbdirections.html target=new>http://www.mikeburger.com/mlbdirections.html</a> The tournament proper will be held in the Modern Languages Building on Michigan's Central Campus: Directions: <a href=http://www.mikeburger.com/mb_parking.html target=new>http://www.mikeburger.com/mb_parking.html</a> Fletcher Street is good, so is Thayer, but only if the money guys are out there, lest you risk a parking ticket. Hotel Info: <a href=http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/ACFHotels.html target=new>http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/ACFHotels.html</a> Fees: <a href=http://www.inform.umd.edu/Studentorg/maqt/acf/01acfnat.html target=new>http://www.inform.umd.edu/Studentorg/maqt/acf/01acfnat.html</a> for the fee schedule. Editors: David Hamilton, as well as assistance from Andrew Yaphe and Subash Maddipoti. Staff: Doing well, could always use more, please let me know at cdbarker_at_... if you'd like to come and read. Please note we will have a full compliment of talented staffers, so that also is yet another non-worry. Teams: Sitting at 16 right now, but we want more. You want in, you let me know, ASAP, OK? Trophies: Nice ones, and lots of shot glasses too! Plus, the awarding of this year's Carper Award, you won't want to miss that! Simply put, you know you want to come to Ann Arbor, I'll make up maps of places to go and "socialize" and you guys can have a good time playing in one of our National Championships. We'll see you this weekend, safe journey all of you! CDB
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