Notes on writing boni All point totals have been doubled to encourage greater flexibility in bonus formats. A sixty-point bonus may be divided into two, three, four, five, or six equal sections; this eliminated the necessity of the "5-10-20-30" and "F5PE +5 for all" formats. Experimentation in bonus formats is encouraged, with the following constraints: - No bonus should have more than six prompts (not counting an optional Bag of Chips) - No bonus should have less than two parts (except for boni not using question-and-answer format) - All boni should be worth a minimum of zero and a maximum of 60 points, with the following exception: the 40-30-20-10, which in this case expands to 80-60-40-20, may include an 80-point clue so long as this clue contains no really useful information. 80's should be included only when they are more creatively written than "for 80 points, he's a movie star." - Such descending-value boni may also at the end include a 1-point clue. This 1-point clue should give away the answer clearly and specifically while still maintaining some measure of creativity. A clue such as "For 1 point, this album's name is 'Revolver'" only wastes everyone's time. - In general, all bonus parts should have point values in integer multiples of five; this may be varied, but such variation should be used sparingly. - While point values have been scaled up, this does not mean difficulty or length should be scaled up. The point increase is essentially cosmetic. - To avoid ambiguity, use the abbrevations "F10P," "F20P," "F15P" etc. in place of "FTP," "FFP," "FFTP" etc. Question Deadlines The tournament being on July 28th: Early-early deadline: June 16th, -$30 Early deadline: June 30th, -$20 Somewhat early deadline: July 7th, -$10 On time: July 14th, $0 Late fees: from the first day your packet is late to the 7th, take the square of the number of days late; that amount in dollars is your late fee. >From the eighth day late onward, the late fee amount freezes at $50, but the tournament staff reserves the right to subject you to humiliations of their devising. Fees Base fee: $70 Buzzer discount: -$10 each (buzzer must be in suitable condition) Moderator discount: -$10 each (moderator must be trained beforehand) Second, third, etc. team from a given entity (TD's discretion what constitutes an entity): $50 GWACC and GMACC reserve the right to refuse participation to anyone for any reason or no reason. The tournament director and tournament coordinator is Edmund Schluessel. He can also be reached at 202-904-3636.
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