(1) It is common decency to at least provide a
reason for what amounts to a public ad hominem attack,
such as the one on Mr. Schluessel.
(2) And
while the attack on Mr. Schluessel is at some level
justifiable (after all, he *did* dare to suggest changing the
rules of QB), completely unnecessary and vitriolic ad
hominem attacks such as the one on Messrs. Goss,
Pickrell, and Bruce are at best in poor taste and at worst
potentially libelous.
I for one would have no problem
with deleting anonymous ad hominem attacks from this
board. [To quote the Terms of Service: <<You agree
to not use the Service to . . . upload, post, email,
transmit or otherwise make available any Content that is .
. . abusive, harassing, . . . defamatory, vulgar,
obscene, libelous, . . . hateful, or racially, ethnically
or otherwise objectionable . .