It's now 6:40 p.m. and I have been hitting redial
since 6 p.m. Does anyone have a suggestion for how to
get through?
The Millionaire team is traveling
to conduct live interviews and select finalists for
future telecasts. To register for the in-person
auditions, potential contestants must call the toll-free
number during the dates and times it is activated. The
phone lines will close when the maximum capacity for
auditions has been reached. Only 375 callers, for each
city, will be able to register. The potential
contestants who meet eligibility requirements will take a
written test, which must be completed within a specified
time limit.
To register for the auditions, use
a touch-tone phone and call toll-free
1-800-433-8321. The phone lines will close when the maximum
capacity for auditions has been reached. The phone lines
are open according to the following
Friday, March 30th at 6PM ET to register for an audition
in Tampa, Florida