Thanks, but I think the only answer was there
were _thousands_ of people trying to call at the
time. I heard a couple radio shows announce the
audition, and at least twice I got the "Sorry, all
are busy" message while dialing.
As an
engineer, I find it hard to believe that the phone company
or WWTBAM would know whether I were using a cordless
phone or a speaker phone. In fact, they can't. You just
got lucky when you were using the attached
I used the right phone number, the only one I've
ever seen listed: (800)433-8321.
BTW, you can't
use the *66 option to camp on the line until it
becomes un-busy. Too bad!
(Who dialed
for four
1. How to Enter - Registration: Callers using
speakerphones, cordless phones or cellular phones
experience technical difficulties."
The mentioned
phones receive nothing but busy signals. I learned that
the hard way yesterday!