For someone playing in TRASHionals for the first
time, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed myself,
although the highlights of the weekend had to be [a]
having my donation go fourth in the individual awards,
and [b] the chance to clean up on "Now You See It" in
Mike's Game Show Round. :)
Everyone was great,
and there was only one moderator with whom I had any
issues; other than that, administratively speaking, I
think Northwestern did an exemplary job.
as I'm not exactly a trash god, :) I have only two
comments regarding the questions--
[1] The
questions seemed, at times, to be misdistributed. As an
example, there was one packet that had two boni (with only
one bonus in between) on sports movies. [My personal
opinion is something that doesn't come up once in two
packets shouldn't come up twice in one
[2] Certain topics that I would have thought would be
represented didn't seem to come up at all. As one example, I
don't recall many questions at all on "minor"/Olympic
sports (e.g., cycling and
Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and do hope to
return next year.