Eric, I sincerely believe that camps such as quizbowl and computer (and, heaven help us, MATH -- folks, the fact that I and half of Princeton B are all math camp graduates is NOT a coincidence) cannot fully be described to an outsider. It's one of those "you really really REALLY have to be there" routines. Allow me, for example, to describe what quizbowl camp would be like if it was anything like math camp. Of course, it probably isn't, but have fun with me here. * Special guest lectures by distinguished quizbowlers past, including: - Matt Colvin ("How to Succeed on Science Questions Without Really Knowing Anything") - Al Whited ("The Darker Side of Mythology") - Seth Kendall ("Important Facts and Figures of More than 2500 Years Ago") - Eric Hillemann ("Common Answers to Common Questions: A Look at Frequent Tossups Topics") - James Dinan ("The Perfect Team Name for Popular Culture Tournaments") - Nathan Freeburg ("Confessions of a Hosebeast: Aggressiveness in the Game") * Those are the morning sessions. Then, in the afternoon, players are broken into two or three sections, depending on their experience and ability in play. Here, specialized topics are discussed in the upper echelons, such as: - how to force a circle of death - correct distribution balance - how to improve captaining skills - the art of the 30-20-10 - how to improve speed for timed moderating * Meanwhile, the lesser levels would be drilled on the basics, such as: - waiting to be recognized - when to sit and when not to - how to stall without stalling - cliche clues - good writing style * In the evening, there would be time for games, such as soccer and tennis (no kiddin, we had a tennis tournament at math camp), and of course, impromptu practices will bust out. Scrabble would abound. In theory, there would be a curfew, but often the counselors themselves are ignoring it. * On weekends, field trips! If you're lucky, a Masters tournament may be in town that weekend -- watch America's best in action! * And when it's all over, be sure to get your commemorative Quiz Bowl Camp T-shirt, complete with "-5" on the front and the roster on the back, with everyone's name Romanized by the staff. There, isn't that fun? :) Andy P.S. -- No, David Isaacson did NOT go to math camp. As far as I know, he's always been like that.
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