Some of her latest etiquette tips reposted here
for emphasis. In my opinion these are especially on
the mark - I speak only for myself but my intuition
is that the rest of NAQT would agree on these
particular two points anyhow.
Although #4 has come up a lot at invitations, I didn't see
any of it this weekend. Was quite happy with the
people who kept score in my room and indeed with the
Wash U hosts generally. Great job
1. While it is rather rude to converse during the
opposing team's boni, it is decidedly ill-bred to fail to
shut up during the tossups.
4. To
scorekeepers: if you really wanted to display your intellectual
acumen, you should have played. Dancing in your seat and
indicating to the moderator that you know the answer (and
can't believe the teams playing don't) doesn't impress