First off, I want to thank everyone for sending their messages of sympathy for my performance on WWTBAM. Since the show aired, I haven't really commented on what I thought about the questions, what happened after I left the stage, and comments others have made. Well, enough time has passed, so now is a good opportunity to throw my two cents out. When I left the studio, I was dejected. I wasn't bitter - just disappointed and a tad embarrassed. I was consoled by both my father, who knew about stays, and my sister, who didn't. After the taping ended, a couple of the contestants came up to me and said they thought I got "a raw deal." They though the stays question should have been in the middle-tier, not one of the first five. Older contestants and audience members I talked to thought the question was too difficult for someone my age, as stays had been "out of fashion" for 20 or 30 years. I joked that I must have gotten my father's packet my mistake, and that the $1000 question would have concerned doo-wop music :) After the show aired, the comments and letters came a-pouring. Again, many people thought I "got screwed." One woman, who works with a family member of mine, actually came up with a "conspiracy theory" - she believed that the show got scared when I won four out of the five practice fastest fingers and, thinking I was a "ringer," front-loaded the packet to guarantee a loss. Another person, a total stranger (but knew my name from postings I had made on a game show newsgrou) who e-mailed me, suggested another theory - WWTBAM remembered how I openly complained that "budget cuts," "clerical errors" and "false promises" prevented from me being on both 2-Minute Drill and Greed. Knowing that, they front-loaded the packet to guarantee a loss. Frankly, I find both theories ridiculous. What seemed to bother everyone - both via e-mails and on this newsgroup - is that the other contestants on my episode appeared to get easier questions (The $32K question on who wrote Paradise Lost, the $125K on Alberto Fujimori), while I get first-tier questions on sittees and stays. They believed that the packets used were unbalanced and not equal for each contestant. Again, everyone's knowledge base is different - some of the contestant may have smoked through the first-tier of my packet, who knows? It just wasn't my day. My sister e-mailed me earlier today, letting me know that one of her history classes (she's a high school teacher) wants to start a petition drive on my behalf, thinking WWTBAM "shafted me." I declined to give them my blessing, only to tell them that if they want to write to the show and complain, then do so - I just don't want a part of it. My sister did tell them about my proposal - which was said in jest - A Tournament of Chump-ions (Second Chance WWTBAM) where the 10 contestants who entered the Hot Seat and goose-egged (and I checked, there are now 10 of us! :) ) return for a chance at redemption. They're actually considering a petition drive for such a special - can you tell this class is learning about the history of non-violent protest :) So that's it - like I said, I had a great time at the show...I met some great people, got to talk to Gladys Knight (!), and had a chance to live a dream - to appear on a game show. Maybe next time, I can win something :) James
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