Andy Goss says : "I'm calling your bluff, Tim. This is not to imply that you don't REALLY think that CBI is not a legitimate format. But I think your opinion is extremely biased, as is most of GW's." I'll grant you my opinion is biased. However, biased and valid are not mutually exclusive. Especially considering my biases come from experience. Where do yours come from? "Notice that schools like Chicago and Michigan are PROUD of their achievements... " Irrelevant. So it's a tournament win. People brag about even winning even the humblest of tournaments. That's perfectly natural and has nothing to do with what I was talking about. Further, you invoked indirectly CBI NCT wins from years gone by, some of which arguably had a degree of legitimacy that this year's edition will pretty clearly lack. "In addition, on the van ride from the hotel to Lambert airport, I talked to the Williams team, who seemed to be looking forward to a trip to Los Angeles at the end of the month." On a lighter note, Andy, have you ever been to Williamstown? You too would jump at the chance to go to Los Angeles. And I'd gladly take a free weekend trip to LA if it were offered me, even from here in DC. Why should the Williams team be any different? "However, Tim, you and Edmund have made no secret that you feel you were screwed [etc.]" First off, Edmund has never been to CBI NCT. And if you'd ever actually gone to a CBI tournament of any kind, you might (Region 5 has a particularly bad rep for poorly run RCTs, BTW) have some idea where my dislike for their organization stems from. And while you brought it up, you're right, there is a significant difference between how RCTs and NCTs are run. But each is maddening and frustrating, for somewhat different reasons. I've been through those many times before; I feel no need to repeat myself here. "Tim, I simply don't know where your horrid feelings towards CBI came from, but understand that you represent only yourself. " You say this, and then bring up Edmund and GWACC repeatedly as if you don't really mean it. Please make up your mind. "If Kenny enjoys CBI, he is allowed to. He is not "wrong"." Another irrelevancy. I didn't say that Kenny (or anyone else) couldn't enjoy playing CBI. My comments were limited to the observation (with explanation) that CBI NCT, at least compared with NAQT or ACF NCT, is a minor league event. If someone thinks that going through all that nonsense for said event is fun or in some way personally rewarding, fine. When someone asserts that somehow winning this thing is anywhere near as impressive as winning ACF or NAQT (or even many invitationals), they are indeed wrong. "Perhaps, Tim, CBI will conform to your and other people's ideas...they have no reason to listen to you or anyone else who exudes elitism." Hello! I don't "play for CBI" and never "played for CBI." I played for my schools, Dartmouth and GW, and their AC programs. (Further, I'm retired from regular collegiate play, as I'm sure you know.) I don't expect CBI to listen to me, since I am not part of their customer base. And while elitism is undesirable and sadly too prevelant in many areas of academic competition, if the competition to see who wins a national title isn't elitist, it's worthless. "Wow, that took a nastier turn than I anticipated." You seem to have a talent for doing that. Not that you're alone on the circuit, mind you... "Let me sum up as neutrally as possible: CBI Nationals is still a National. GWACC's opinion doesn't change that." I can't stop anyone from calling whatever they want a "National," least of all something that used to be _the_ big prize and the national tournament of tournaments. We can debate endlessly the exact moment in the history of academic competition that CBI NCT lost its luster as a real national title, but at this point, it clearly isn't.
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