Oh, I should also note:
opinion doesn't change that.>>
If what I
post and what I think were universally synonymous with
GWACC's opinion, then GWACC would operate a lot
differently. I won't presume to tell how to run things at Duke
or Michigan or anywhere else, but the decision on
GW's part to go to CBI RCT this year, like many of our
other internal decisions, was made by a vote, the
results of which I'm free to agree or disagree with with
total liberty. I could have blocked or sabotaged the
process at a number of points to bring GWACC's actions in
line with my opinion, but that would have been an
overstepping of my authority and a disservice to my teammates,
whom I personally feel are fully qualified to make up
their own minds.
When I speak ex cathedra, I
will say so. When I do not, I speak only for