Since there has not been much comment on the ICT
thus far, perhaps it is time to raise a point that was
not covered in Julie's "form
Questions were used in both divisions; however, duplicated
questions were not always used in the same round in both
divisions, and this led to some problems during the weekend.
I cannot see any logical reason why, if questions
are to be used in both divisions, they should not be
used in the same round. [If Div. I and Div. II run in
equal numbers of rounds, then, by definition, the
number of Div. I questions not used in Div. II and vice
versa must be equal.]
If a question in a Div. I
packet needs to be replaced, it should be with a Div.
II-only question, not a Div. I question from an earlier
round. This would eliminate any concern for "question
security" during the tournament, and eliminate the gaffes
and room for errors that led to a few thorny
situations at the ICT. While some NAQT officials have
mentioned that the rules might be amended to reflect these
principles, it would seem that proper allotment of questions
between packets, rather than "non-disclosure rules" on
the players, would be the superior