> People that don't like CBI don't because
> it requires you actually live on this planet in
> this century and the last, and that you
> with other human beings. I'll bet many of
> who have deaffiliated (like the person who
> posted the message jabbing Jeremy) have a hard
> time carrying on a conversation with the average
> person on the street.
Actually, I think
that many more schools have de-affiliated because of
funding concerns; CBI is simply not as good a value,
question-for-question, as the other formats. After a change in our
funding sources, Iowa made the choice to de-affiliate in
2000-1; in this case, it came down to either not playing
CBI or not playing anything else.
While not
everyone on my team enjoys CBI (I don't mind it myself), I
would argue that adequate socialization is hardly a
pressing factor.