<<"What is the plural of "bonus" -- bonuses
or boni? To my ear, "boni" sounds like a pretentious
-- dare I say elitist? :-) -- attempt to demonstrate
one's knowledge of Latin plurals. Plus I've read in a
dictionary that the proper plural is indeed
Thank you! I will never EEEEEVER use the word "boni." I
am, however, intrigued by the preference of Rick
Grimes for the word "bonera.">>
"Bonera" is
interesting, if a bit odd.
In any case, I *do* prefer
"boni," if only because it keeps the meter flowing more
evenly "tossups and boni" simply sounds more fluid, to
my ear, than "tossups and bonuses." Also, it's four
characters instead of seven, so it takes up less room.