Greg wrote: "Seriously, I wonder if this will
lead to a standards & practices change in the gameshow
world. Also, when will announcing past or present QB or
gameshow participation become a selection
Now, if you are in the UK. WWTBAM is done by a vague
lottery system, in that really easy questions on premium
phone lines followed by random draws select the
contestants. Other shows divide, but there are quite a few,
particularly those where a good player can run and run (one
called "100%" for example), that will turn down people
who are too good or who have too much experience.
Others like some experience (University Challenge goes
down well) but not too much.
Basically, I'm
amazed at the amount you guys can get away with -
proclaim yourself as a former Mastermind winner or
something over here and *whoomph* go your chances of that
seriously thrashable light entertainment