Back to Tom Michael: unfortunately most of us
here cannot compete at Honda. So a career grand slam
for Andy would have to be winning the Honda
tournament. :b
As for Charlie's commentary: I think it
would be worthwhile to get their feedback on how useful
your tournaments have been. I actually would be
interested if you (not specifically, but someone around your
area) could run an NAQT HCASC "sectional"/division at
the Southeast Sectionals before doing the Honda
tournament should there be enough interest. The hope also is
that perhaps there could be an invitational pre-Honda
tournament or scrimmage run at a representative historically
black college/university that may eventually draw some
teams more into playing the invitational circuit. Heck,
some of us even have a LOT of questions that are
appropriate-level college or challenging-level college JV/high
school that we can send out for practice or for such an
Congratulations to Morehouse College in winning the Honda