Beth, there actually was a Canadian championship
in 1999 (You Don't Know Wat - 1999 Canadian Quiz
Championship, at Waterloo). I was still in high school then, so
I don't know the background too it, or anything
about it at all really. I do know that Dave Thorsley
destroyed everyone, as he is apt to do, so if he is reading
this maybe he can tell us what it was about. From
reading the results, it seems to be an NAQT Canadian
Sectionals, but with only Canadian teams.
There was
apparently one in 1998 as well, at Queen's, but it seems to
have had American teams in it. Other than that I can't
find any info about it at all.
Now that we have
another school involved (Toronto), maybe we could
resurrect this in the future. It would be nice to have a
tournament full of Canadian questions!
I think
Dave's idea with Mackenzie Bowl at UWO might have been
to have a more Canadianized tournament, but we
weren't able to hold it last year....maybe in 2001-2002,
I'm not sure.
In the meantime, we like to
claim we are the Canadian champions of the MLK and ABD
tournaments, since we were the only Canadian school there this
year :)