Jason wrote,
"Tom, do you happen to have a
link to the PC formula or know someone who might have
it documented?"
Not handy I'm afraid. While I
archive many things, the records from prior to 1989 are
on paper, those from 1990 to 1996 are either on 5
1/4" floppies or the hard drive of a still-running
Tandy 1000, or moved to the separate hard drive of a
computer with an 80386-equivalent processor.
been working to gradually index and restore the
records. This has been progressing slowly, except for
quite recent forays to verify the accuracy of some
personal memories; that has been a quite enjoyable look at
what I have documented of the early 90's
If and when I come across the final PC formula,
which is somewhere in the 1994-1996 part of the
records, I shall repost it if the issue is still topical.
But in the mean time, I have sent off emails to the
co-creators of the formula to try to get it posted