While I'm hogging the board, I thought I would
post a reminder about the 2001 Chicago Open, since my
last post got buried under a bunch of stuff. There
will be a packet submission team tournament edited by
me and a singles tournament written by Matt Weiner
et al. Both events will be open to all comers,
except a bastard team of Anthony DeJesus and Andy
The tournament announcement, packet info, and mirror
information can be found at
www.geocities.com/suby10/2001ChiOpen.html. I will start updating the Registered Teams in a
week or so, but at this point I have 6. If you want to
register for either tournament, then e-mail me at
Also, thanks to Roger Craig for pointing out my math
errors in the distribution.
And one more thing,
2001 ACF Regionals questions are still available for
sale (e-mail me) as are 2001 ACF Nationals questions
(e-mail Dave Hamilton at dhamiltn_at_...)
promise to stop posting for at least the next 15