Ahmed wrote:
"At the ICT, virtually all of
the "classical" music questions were based on operas
(I only recall three tossups and two bonuses not
based on operas in the whole tournament)."
may be your recollection, but it wasn't the case. In
the Division I rounds for the ICT there were 7
tossups and 7 bonuses on "classical" (e.g. renaissance,
baroque, classical, romantic, etc.) music. There were also
7 tossups and 7 bonuses on opera.
doesn't count questions on music theory, jazz, and so
forth, nor does it count "mixed bag" questions which
might be partially, but not predominantly, about music
(or opera).
In any case, it is not NAQT's
policy to favor opera over classical music in its
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief
Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments,