Now for the second charge, which is much more heinous in its implication. The fact of the matter is that the circle of death that resulted was resolved as fairly as it could have been, given the availability of packets. When resolving a circle of death in ACF, the top team has, in the last three years, always been determined by point differential amongst the three teams. Even if total points or bonus conversion was used, Michigan A would have taken the top seed. Now the next spot was tricky. There are two schools of thought, one says that you continue with point differential. Michigan B gets the two seed that way. Another school of thought says that after the top team is determined, then the second team is determined by head to head, in which case Virginia would have gotten the 2 seed. So we felt the fairest solution was a playin round between Virginia and Michigan B for the finals, which Virginia won. Now ideally we would have had a playoff system with more matches to get a fairer solution, but there was one problem with that - the majority of the packets sucked, a few teams who came didn't submit packets, didn't tell us that they wouldn't be submitting packets, and some teams who promised to submit packets backed out the week before the tournament. In addition we wrote 5 playoff rounds as editors, so to say the least we were in a bind for questions, and limited in playoff options by the packets available to us. It's really ironic that Steve should complain about the chosen playoff format, because the less than stellar Virginia packet (just plain awful) which had to be combined with another packet, was one of the reasons that we were forced to go with the limited match playoff format that was used. In fact I don't criticize with serious intent lightly, and don't think I have ever done so on this club's board, but I have to say that Virginia's Nationals packet, as bad as it was, was light years more appropriate than Steve's Regionals packet, which is the one of the most innappropriate packets for any tournament I have EVER seen. Simply put if Virginia and one other team had submitted mildly usable packets, there would have been many more playoff options available. ACF's policy regarding circles of death was not going to change regardless of who finised where. The problem arose when Michigan B went ahead one way, and Virginia went ahead another way. Our mistake was not determining the solution this type of situation beforehand, and I take full responsibility for that. However, the solution used at the tournament was eminently fair, one that Craig Barker and Mike Burger (hardly two ACF partisans) suggested as well, and would have been the solution we would have announced beforehand anyway. Finally, the notion that this was a Michigan A parade is just a joke. To be honest I would have been as equally happy for Michigan B or Virginia. You can ask Andrew (who I know feels the same way). Last year he and I both commented to each other that Virginia was the most dangerous team at ACF Nationals, who very well could have won as they played Chicago and Illinois very close and both our teams were a little lucky to get by Virginia. In fact had they won this year, I would have fully supported them as a worthy champion. Also this idea that the best players write questions for each other is again simply ludicrous. If you can name one other person who is more qualified to edit next year's ACF Regionals than Zeke, please chime in Steve because I'm not aware of such a person. I still can't get over your use of the word elitist. If people saw the questions you submitted for this year's Regionals and Nationals, they would truly understand the meaning of the word elitism as it has been thrown around with regards to ACF. It is exactly those types of questions that give us such a bad name and make that much more difficult the job of an editing corps that is usually working overtime as it is. Subash
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