Hmmm. My quick ACF thoughts.
As Ive said
before in the chat room, if it wasnt for ACF I probably
wont be playing QB now. I enjoy NAQT on occasion, but
I wouldnt be motivated to undertake the time and
expense of QB (and so far the entirely personal expense)
if it wasnt for ACF. Its the only format which I
believe truly attempts to encompass the non-trivial (and
I do believe that knowledge (or at least academic
knowledge) is worth garnering for knowledges sake (to
misappropriate Gautier and Pater a little). Andrews right, ACF
does lead to I didnt know that, thats cool and Ill
remember itand not just as a lead-in clue either. 2 and
a half years ago (when I first started playing QB)
I was at a point where I had pretty much stopped
reading and lost my intellectual thirst (I sort of look
at it as being parallel to secularization or
somethingto bastardize another context). ACF rekindled the
interests that I had when youngera return to the faith of
my youth so to speak. Even if I never play QB again,
I owe the game that; and I dont think Im the only