Hi, everybody:
A few months earlier I
posted that the University of California, Irvine will
host its third annual open/masters tournament on June
9, 2001. Well, due to personal academic reasons (I
have two finals the following Monday...and I need to
graduate), I'm forced to postpone the tournament until later
in the summer. Please let me know if you are
interested in attending. Please also let me know which
weekends work best for you and your team. Right now, I'm
open every weekend in July except for July 1.
will be at UC Irvine (Master of Arts program in
Education Leadership) until August 2002, so I will have
access to our Student Center facilities until then.
During the summer, it's easy for us to get good
facilities to host an open/masters tournament.
e-mail me at
Willie Chen
UC Irvine, Class of 2001