Thankfully, I've figured out how to join the
Yahoo! quizbowl community. Maybe I missed some
(important) announcement posted on one of the silicon-age
quizbowl online discussion community concerning
communications earlier this year-- it seems that either no one
is using QB or QB: ANNOUNCE anymore, or I've been
removed from the mailing lists (how, I'm not quite sure)
and am simply not receiving messages about
tournaments etc (We missed hearing about that whole UCLA
thing for DivII teams around April 1, and I'm sure
there are more tournaments planned for the west coast
this spring, but I've heard nothing). I'm getting next
to no quizbowl information anymore, and am
wondering, is something wrong (Read: what did I miss, or
what rock have I been under this
Wesley Mathews
Occidental Quiz Bowl Contact
to find out people are still talking about QB Issues