I don't think anyone from Cambridge reads this
board, so I won't be stealing their thunder in posting
quick results...
12 teams from 10 universities
descended on the Mathematics Institute, which was allegedly
in Cambridge but seemed to be half-way to London by
the time we got there. Eight games were played by
each team in a strange partial round-robin, followed
by a single-match final for the top two.
the fourth year running, Oxford University defeated
Trinity College, Cambridge in the final, and so continue
our perpetual custody of the trophy :-) Other top
performing teams were the University of Manchester (finally
breaking a run of bottom-place finishes in style) and the
University of East Anglia (bring on Alaska!).
a few quibbles along the way, and our missing our
bus home, it was generally a good day, and a pleasing
if predictable result for my last tournament in
charge of Oxford.
Rob _at_ Oxford.