A message from our President Final standings, statistics, acknowledgments, and wrapup for Princeton University Buzzerfest Resurrection, Episode IV: A New Hope, held Saturday, April 21, 2001. (Individual stats at the bottom of this post.) After a grueling seventeen-round round-robin, the final standings were as follows. (Ties were broken by head-to-head results): 1.Carleton (15-1) 2. Chicago (15-1) 3. Yale A (13-3) 4. Swarthmore (13-3) 5. Florida Atlantic (12-4) 6. Rutgers-New Brunswick A (12-4) 7. Penn (10-6) 8. Yeshiva (7-9) 9. NYU (7-9) 10. GWU (6-10, +80 point differential in circle of death) 11. Ursinus A (6-10, +0) 12. Yale B (6-10, -80) 13. Rutgers-New Brunswick B (5-10) 14. Columbia (4-11) 15. Cornell (4-12) 16. Ursinus B (1-15) 17. Rutgers-Newark (0-16) In round two, Carleton beat Chicago head-to-head, so the Minnesota school entered the final playoffs with a one-game advantage. However, Chicago won the first game 370-80, forcing a second and final game. Chicago secured their victory late that night in the Senate Chamber of Whig Hall by again defeating Carleton, 220-125. The top individual scorers were Raj Dhuwalia (Florida Atlantic), Edmund Schluessel (GW), Peter Austin (Swarthmore), and Dave Hayes (Rutgers New Brunswick A). Special congratulations to Jason Keller of Cornell, who answered seventy-three tossups without negging once. Thats the scariest ratio Ive ever seen your Tallis award was well deserved, sir. Full individual stats below But first, Id like to thank everyone who saved my sanity by helping out with the packets. Thanks to Stan Jastrzebski of DePauw and Jerry Hagen of Indiana for swapping questions; their science, fine arts, and trash questions were most helpful to this history major. Thanks to Anthony DeJesus of Case Western, Emmet Tuohy of Georgetown, and especially Maureen Smith of Maryland for providing freelance packets. And finally a hearty thank you to the large number of people who helped me edit packets and write playoff questions, to wit: Michael Chiswick-Patterson, David Farris, David Isaacson, Larissa Kelly, Katherine Kimber, Lenny Kostovetsky, Steve Lawrie, Ben Malkevitch, Jacob Mikanowski, Dave Sachs, Charles Steinhardt, Ray Yang, and last but certainly not least, Tournament Directrix Extraordinaire Barbara Slote. Thanks again and I hope to see all of you next year at PUBfest V: Still Crazy After All These Years. Jeff Hoppes President, Princeton College Bowl Packet Editor, Buzzerfest IV ----individual stats to follow in next post----
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