I guess I echo Mike's sentiments to a degree. As
one who would fall into the 2/3 mentioned by the
earlier poster, I get annoyed by sports questions that
aren't really sports questions. The question about the
Prisoner game is a TV question. The swimsuit question is a
magazine question.
There seems to be a backlash by
the earlier posters against what I term "hard" sports
questions, along the lines of 'he was drafted in (year) by
(team), traded with (name) and (name) to (other team),
etc. I mean hard not in difficulty, maybe nuts and
bolts is a better term.
I understand the need
for D and D, Sci-Fi, and other minor categories in
Trash, but if I were to fill the Sci-Fi category with
stuff from the Star Wars films, people would complain.
Sure, it's technically Sci-Fi, but it's not really what
is called Sci-Fi. An analogy can be drawn to the
Swimsuit question, sure, it's sports, but not really.
I feel the bulk of the sports questions should come
from the four major sports, and require knowledge
specialized to the field to get the correct answer.
Just my 2 cents as a trash purist (hehe),