Julie Stahlhut wrote: "There's a big difference between 'difficult' and 'unbalanced.'" AMEN! Balance is good. Imbalance is baaaad. A detailed set of requirements, such as Michigan's trash guidelines, is probably the best way to guarantee balance, but like all forms of law enforcement there's a small societal cost involved. I guess I just wish/hope that it didn't always require so much specificity. Also (and I bet most people will disagree with this), I'd claim that one can have a perfectly fine trash pack with, say, no baseball whatsoever or no questions about romantic comedies. Maybe the closest comparison would be something like an ACF pack that lacks "European History, 1648-1945"* but even then it's one of those breathe deeply and put the world in perspective moments. Overrepresentation, on the other hand... Mike I love you as a teammate and respect you as a quiz player but three funk/soul questions in the same pack is just evil. ;-) Matt (sucked into this thread, indeed into catching up on Yahoo! posts, basically because I heard hot gossip about a Boston University-centric argument; that and Jason Z from ASU claims I should post more) *- don't get me wrong, as a writer I think both the Burger/Michigan trash guidelines and the Sheahan/ACF guide (at <a href=http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/writers.html target=new>http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/writers.html</a> ) are REALLY GOOD resources, just not sure that distribution guides alone are the best solution to all that ails quiz packs. Although maybe the SZCZicago Manual of style <a href=http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/style.html target=new>http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/style.html</a> is.
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